Telephone: +44 (0)1372 617 059 | Email: [email protected]

IT / AV Consultancy

Expert consulting and delivery for the successful
implementation of communications technology.

Our Approach

Drawing on Coral Vision’s vast global business and technology experience and our partner network, our advice and expertise covers all areas relating to a project including:

  • Working with the c-suite for business strategy alignment
  • Challenging status quo and assumptions
  • Deep understanding of your business processes and how they can and will improve
  • Working with your users, the people and stakeholders to ensure alignment and commitment
  • Researching technology systems, software, infrastructure, IT and AV relates to business communications and collaboration
  • Providing insights to technology manufacturers and their future roadmaps
  • Planning of and Programming of works
  • Procurement and SLA negotiations
  • Roll out and change implementation (on a global scale if required)
  • Adoption governance and integration
  • Success measure tracking for sign off
  • On-going service and support to ensure on going successful deployment and improvement
  • Helping decide between Zoom, MS Teams or a collaboration of Video Conferencing software that suits you best

Our skills and work cover all areas in your project using a proven methodology to follow from Strategy to Adoption and a defined process to ensure adoption of your chosen new technologies and the required behaviour changes of users needed which is critical to lead to success. Change implementation is one of our specialist areas and something not to be underestimated as an area needing of much attention. Choose us as your project partner to guarantee success and minimise the risk (wasted time and cost) of a failed or unadopted technology deployment.


Keep up to date with everything thats new in the AV/IT Installation world of technologies. Today is tomorrows future!